Each season we’ll be introducing a NEW massage oil blend to the clinic designed to fully infuse the mind and body with all the energetic goodness of the season.
As some of you will already have experienced, this month we’re combining the zesty citrus notes of fresh orange with the soothing and spicy licorice/aniseed notes of fennel to support you in the process of letting go of the things you no longer want and need and replenish your body, mind and soul ready for the transition winter.
This exquisite rejuvenating blend is is particularly beneficial for soothing dry, irritated skin in the Autumn months. It brings together a number of 100% natural essential oils traditionally thought to assist the body physically to eliminate toxins and excess water, strengthen immunity and promote collagen production for healthy, youthful & smooth skin. With a refreshing, sunny & sensual aroma, it can elevate your mood promoting happiness, warmth, peace & joy and is ideal for overcoming gloominess and fatigue as we turn inward, taking life too seriously & forgetting how to laugh.
Stimulating the olfactory senses, the oil can help enhance mental clarity, courage and a sense of self appreciation, reduce over-thinking and constant analysis, support the release of self judgement, obsessions and fears, restore emotional balance and uplift and promote a positive attitude while calming the spirit.
Experience the Autumn goodness of this sumptuous new oil and align with the season now, at your next Body Psychology Massage session and... enjoy!